07967 325669 info@mootpoint.org

bss-siteBrighton Steiner School, founded in 1984, is an independent co-educational school for children aged 3 to 16. We provide a proven, respected and established alternative to mainstream education, as well as offering GCSEs to our Upper School students. Our curriculum offers a comprehensive range of subjects with a focus on interdisciplinary learning and the development of social and creative abilities alongside academic achievement. The emphasis is on the holistic development of each pupil, to nurture the skills and confidence your child will need in life.

This project required the replacement of an elderly static site with a dynamic WordPress site with a responsive theme. A particular challenge was to manage the considerable number of contributors to the site content, which required the careful setup of multiple user roles with different capabilities. An important part of the school site is event management, and an event management plugin was installed and configured to enable the easy announcement of school events, categorised by class. An additional requirement was the creation of sophisticated web forms using Gravity Forms to allow parents to apply for a school place online.
